They have a coon infestation out there!
As of this morning they have caught SEVEN. They caught two in the same trap last night, which we all found a bit odd and amusing.
Two days ago I heard of a young man with some pullets who was downsizing due to his step-mother's ill health. I went out there and came back with two silver laced wyandotes and three black sex links.
We took them to our friends in a pet carrier and told them we'd caught a coon, too, so we brought it to them. They thought we'd lost our minds!
Then we told the kids to look carefully in the carrier and they were SO excited! I'll have to get pictures of the chickens the next time we go over there.
It worked out well, we were able to help our friends replace some of their lost birds as well as assure that young man that his pullets were going to a home with three kids to spoil them rotten and love on them. :)
Perfect solutions!
We had coons a couple years back. A mama and several babies. Cute as could be! But they were killing our kittens. One nite Lindsay went out to feed the cats in the old chicken barn and she looked up and there were eyes all around her staring down...the whole coon family. DH had to get rid of them...
Aw, what a nice surprise for them! The amount of coons is crazy!!!
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