Friday, January 20, 2012

Third time this winter

That I've got a kid being treated for pertussis.  Really.

Yes, they were all vaccinated.

CDC has informed area doctors to treat anyone suspected of having it because the test takes a couple of weeks to come back and there have already been multiple confirmed cases in our county and school district and of course you'll spread it more while waiting on the test results.


We have all been so sick the last year or so compared to our normal selves.

I'm over it already!


Carolyn said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope you guys recover quickly and that there is some help available.

Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

So sorry :( Maybe your paying your dues this year and no one will get sick for the next 10 years. Lets hope.

Akannie said...

Dang girl!!
sending along wishes for a speedy recovery...scary stuff...But not surprising, really.
So many superbugs...resistant to antibiotics, why would it be any different with vaccines ? Makes you wonder.

Take good care of you...xoxoxox

Erin said...

So sorry to hear this! I think it is sad this disease had the opportunity to come back into the population and with so many now choosing not to vaccinate it is morphing into a real problem that could possibly become immune to vaccines. Ugh, my kids are vaccinated too but I'm always nervous since so many bugs come home with them from school. Hope everything goes well soon!